Amazing ! a casual mix of tulip flowers – Blingcute

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Tulip flowers, colours can be matched at will, and thin line hooks look good.

This pattern requires a 1.0 crochet hook, size eight lace thread, or a finer hook to make a corsage.

The thread I use is relatively thick, and the effect is average. First, hook the flower bud, and start six stitches in the ring. The second circle does not add or subtract six stitches.
crochet flower
The third round is a set of long stitches, the fourth round is one long outer stitch, one long stitch, and the 5th and 6th are repeated for the 4th round.
Hook a circle with two short stitches, and reduce the stitches at a time. The last process of the bud can be filled with cotton or broken wool in the middle.
After the flower buds are completed, start crocheting the flower pieces. The first circle of the flower piece is the same as the second circle, and the third circle is separated by one long needle and one stitch, a total of 3 groups of stitches and three long needles.
The fourth loop hooks three braided stitches. The next stitches hook the outer crochet long stitch, the same stitch long stitch and the outer crochet long stitch, a total of 4 groups, the long back stitch, the lock stitch, the interval stitch, and the lock stitch.
Repeat 4th times 5th, 6th and 7th, then crochet a short circle of reduction stitches, a total of 4 leaves, and stitch them together, with the open side facing inward.
When the last flower piece is sewed, sew the flower bud up, sew it up, and then start to hook the flower rod, you can use a thicker yarn.
If not, fold the yarn in half, wind the front loop, and crochet a short stitch again.
If not, fold the yarn in half, wind the front loop, and crochet a short stitch again.
Leave 13 braided stitches, return to 12 and 11 short crochet stitches, followed by medium and long needles, long needles, two long, long needles, long needles, medium and long needles, short needles, pulling needles, braided needles, and another Same side.
Finally, sew the tulip leaves and flower stems.
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    Thank you! You’re so kind :)!!

    May 12, 2022 at 19:23

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